Bristol Holocaust Memorial Day Steering Group is run by volunteers from across the city. Together we deliver local events to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, which is commemorated worldwide on January 27 every year.

The steering group has included representatives from Bristol City Council, and from community, faith and civic groups based in and around Bristol. We welcome people of all religions and none.

Group members past and present have been connected to local organisations, such as:

  • Bristol Multi Faith Forum
  • Bristol Inter Faith Group
  • Salaam Shalom
  • Building the Bridge
  • Faculty of the University of the West of England
  • Bristol City of Sanctuary
  • Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation
  • Voscur

The group has been privileged over the years to have the support and participation of individuals from the Equalities and Social Inclusion Team, Libraries and Museums, all from Bristol City Council.

We also welcome members of the public who feel personally motivated to work on Holocaust education, reducing hate crime, and genocide prevention.

Bristol Holocaust Memorial Day is apolitical – it is not aligned with any political party.

Joining Bristol HMD Steering Group

We welcome new volunteers to help mark Holocaust Memorial Day in the city. Our steering group meets roughly once a month from September to December, and twice in January, to plan the event.

If you’re unable to spare much time, but you’d still like to help out, we always welcome some extra pairs of hands to help share our programme in the weeks leading up to 27 January. If you’d like to help us spread the word with leaflet distribution, we’d really appreciate it!

However you want to be involved, please email chair@bristolhmd.org to contact co-chairs Polly and Ben.

Past members of Bristol HMD Steering Group

2013 event: Co-chairs Simon Nelson (Equalities and Social Inclusion Team) and Valerie Russell Emmott (Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation/Bristol Multifaith Forum).

2014: Valerie Russell Emmott (Chair), Eva Fielding-Jackson, Marie Hackett, Marian Liebmann, Father Richard McKay, Simon Nelson (Bristol City Council) and Farzana Saker.

2015: Valerie Russell Emmott (Chair); Fr Richard McKay (Vice Chair), Marian Liebmann (Secretary), Eva Fielding-Jackson (Treasurer), Alistair Beattie, Rebecca Bellamy, Lorna Brunstein, Marie Hackett and Simon Nelson.

2016: Valerie Russell Emmott (Chair); Father Richard McKay (Vice Chair), Marian Liebmann (Secretary), Eva Fielding-Jackson (Treasurer), Helen Barcan, Rebecca Bellamy, Lorna Brunstein, Rebecca Filer, Marie Hackett, Lily Khandker, David Memel, Ben Royston.

2017: Marian Liebmann (Chair), Eva Fielding-Jackson (Treasurer), Helen Barcan, James Hackett, Marie Hackett, Martine Hawley, Father Richard McKay, Ben Royston, Christina Zaba.

2018: Marian Liebmann (Chair), Eva Fielding-Jackson (Treasurer), Helen Barcan, Julia Bush, James Hackett, Marie Hackett, Bella Harding, Martine Hawley, Richard Hope Hawkins, Father Richard McKay, Ben Royston, Christina Zaba.

2019: Marian Liebmann (Chair), Eva Fielding-Jackson (Treasurer), Polly Allen, Helen Barcan, Julia Bush, Bella Harding, Martine Hawley, Moestak Hussein, Ben Royston, Victoria Wildman.